Club chartered March 18, 1946. First President: Ken Craig. In October President Ken Craig passed away and Oscar Thulin took over as President. The Club's first project was a "Welcome to Campbell River" sign and the first auction raised $317.00.
President: Oscar Thulin. Following the donation of property, the Club's first major project commenced with the clearing of land for the construction of a Scout Hall. The Klondike Night fundraiser netted $839.80. This year also saw the start of the Club's ongoing involvement with the "March for Dimes".
President: Ken Brown. 29 members. Started construction of the Scout Hall in the late summer. Klondike Night cleared $1004.17. There were various challenges with Kinsmen with Rotary losing two out of three. Kinsmen however donated the wagers back to Rotary funds.
President: Alec McLean. #5 members. Started construction of the Scout Hall in July 1949 with completion in time for the club to have a meeting in the new hall on June 6th, 1950. For the third year running the Club was involved with the July 1st celebrations.
President: Stan Sutton. 32 members. The Club was once again involved with the July 1st festivities though the Club got into financial difficulties as a result of this. Two members advanced $500 to pay bills.
President: Einar Anderson. 26 members. $500 donated to start Rotary Junior Band.
President: Joe Iaci. 22 members. Club started on the annual March of Dimes at Christmas with $208 being raised. $2000 was donated towards the floor for the new Community Centre to mark the 50th anniversary of the community of Campbell River.
President: Len Rossiter. 25 members. First Adventure in Citizenship Award was given. Club funds were split into Service and Community Accounts.
President: Lorne Ritchie. 33 members. March of Dimes raised $296 and the Rotary Auction raised $430.
President: Cyril Haque. 34 members. Klondike Night at the Community Hall raised $587. The "Student of the Month" award was started.
President: Tom Hargreaves. 39 members. Club now part of District 502. In December the March of Dimes raised $754. A scrap drive brought in $2173 and Klondike night netted $986.
President: Jack Baikie.43 members. Club gaining reputation as "the Singing Club". The Christmas party was at the new Marina hotel. Klondike Night brought in $754 and $1000 was donated towards the new Centennial Park.
President: Allan Maclean. The office of Vice President was created. Dec 16th was Ladies Night and in February the Lunch meeting was changed to the Willows Hotel.
President: Gordon Mason.47 members. Jack Baikie was suggested for District Governor. $2000 was turned over to the Village of Campbell River for the swimming pool. This was the last year that the club organized the July 1st celebrations.
President: Doug Bate. 35 members. The Rotary news bulletin was revamped with a new format on April 13th. Conducted a drive to become a 200% club for the Rotary Foundation. Many special events held at Painters Lodge. April 15th marked the 15th anniversary of the club.
President: Bud Denholme. 56 members. Interclub meeting with Courtenay. Careers Day at High School in April. In May the club was in debt for $1,400. The Rotary Auction in June raised $800.
President: Jim Smith. 53 members. Careers Day held at High School. A lot of club articles were lost in the Willows Hotel fire. First bingo raised $500. #2,500 donated to the Scout Hall. Meetings were held at the Firehall, Scout Hall and Willows Hotel.
President: Sherman Evans. Membership unknown. Scrap Committee very busy. Donations made to the Alberni tidal Wave Disaster Fund and to the Charlie Southworth Rotary Foundation Memorial Fund.
President: Ken Antonelli. 60 members. Donation of $2,200 to the swimming pool. Yearly fundraising hit $4,300. 36 members attended the installation of club member Jack Baikie as our first District Governor. Len Rossiter took over as Club Historian.
President: Russ Preston. Membership unknown. First Pioneer Dinner (lunch) was held at Painters Lodge. March of Dimes topped $1,000 with the direct approach in shopping centres and the streets being tried for the first time. $3,500 donated to the Centennial Museum and a beach clean-up carried out by members. The 20th Anniversary of the club was celebrated at Painters Lodge.
President: Ray Carpenter. 51 members. First International Project-$75 powdered milk to India. Pamphlet prepared to inform the public about our club and Rotary. The 2nd Pioneer Dinner was held featuring Bob Swanson with "The Sounds of Logging Past"
President: Corky Corbett. 53 members. The District was broke - the club sent to $75 to help. The March of dimes raised $1260. The Club's entry in the Nanaimo Bathtub Race finished 10th. The first Pancake Breakfast was held at the Community Hall on March 17th. A GSE team from Finland was hosted and the District Assembly was held in Campbell River.
President: Jack Ross. 59 members. First incoming Exchange Student arrived from Mexico followed by a second one later in the year from Australia. The first outgoing student went off to Argentina. The Pancake Breakfast became an annual event. The Rotary Beach Park was taken over by the District. $1200 was raised for the March of Dimes. A white elephant auction raised $147 and was enjoyed by all.
President: Bill Meyer. 54 members. Roderick Haig Brown talked to the Club about the Salmon situation and the March of Dimes raised $1135 in December. The incoming exchange student arrived from Australia. There is mention of the club newsletter, the Spokesman, for the first time.
President: Brant Felker. 59 members. Members fined 25 cents for leaving early. The outgoing exchange student to Holland left in February. Meal costs increased to $10 per month and meetings moved to the Haida Inn. $3000 was donated towards the new Ice Arena.
President: Arnold Cameron.65 members. Rotary float tied for 1st Place in Courtenay Parade. Membership up to 70 in November which led to the largest % increase in the District by year end. The white Elephant auction netted $240. Christmas Caroling was led by Len and Fran Hudock and Stan and Faye Skuse. (this continued until 1992)
President: Mike Cruise. 68 members. Poor attendance noted for the visit of the District Governor to the club. In December the "March for Dimes" raised $1763.75.
President: Carl Thulin. 68 members. First Paul Harris Fellow award given to Wallace Baikie. The 200 Club Car Draw netted $1637 with Ken Phillips being the winner. The District contribution to the Paul Harris Foundation Fund is noted as $31510.
President: John Mac) McDougall. 64 members. The 50th Parallel marker was dedicated in the fall and $20000 was pledged to the "Centre for the Handicapped". meetings were moved to the DI and the meal costs increased to $20 per month. Rotary TV Auction started.
President: Len Hudock. 57 members. The Pancake Breakfast made a small profit and it was decided to continue it as a community project not as a fund raiser. $20000 presented to "Our Place". The 1st TV auction was great success raising $21179.35 and the additional $2178.35 was presented to "Our Place" as well. The "March of Dimes" brought in $2,338.
President: Frank Sullivan.54 members. The Family Exchange Program was introduced with exchanges to Mexico and Columbia. The March for Dimes netted $2798 and the TV auction raised $18229. 43 New Zealanders visited the club on the way home from the San Francisco convention.
President: Wilf Shipway.58 members. The White Elephant auction raised $320 and a radar set was purchased for the local Search and Rescue volunteers at a cost of $3400.
President: Larry Reynolds. 54 members. The TV auction brought in $20940 and the March for Dimes set another record of $3401. The club sponsored a new club at Kelsey Bay-Sayward (now inactive). A GSE team from Australia visited in April.
President: Brian Taylor. 58 members. $419 raised for the local Christmas Hamper fund. Members owe $3400 on their accounts. 7 couples leave on a friendship exchange to Australia. The "eat crow" attendance challenge award was introduced between the Campbell River and Courtenay clubs.
President: Ed Cooley. 63 members. $1500 pledged towards restoration of Kingfisher Creek. The TV Auction raised $24566 despite running on Sunday due to power outages earlier. Other fundraisers included the March for Dimes at $4364 and the White Elephant at $520. $5000 was donated to Adult Care Society. The Port Hardy Club was chartered in May. The Pancake Breakfast ran on Fathers’ Day and made a small profit.
President: Doug Reedman. 70 members. Members voted against a second club in Campbell River. The March of Dimes brought in $4700. Membership hit 75 - an all-time high. $1000 given to Operation Eyesight.
President: Bill Andrew. Quinsam Nature Trail completed.
President: Al Grant.
President: Scott McIvor
President: David "Scotty" MacLaren. Women members admitted. CR Museum Steam Donkey.
President: Norm Bell. Discovery Pier completed. Ripple Rock Trail. CR Museum Steam Donkey.
President: Jim Robinson.
President: Ed Hrechuk. Wheel Chair Accessible Fishing Platform.
President: Jerry Finnen. Discovery Pier Wheel Chair Ramp.
President: Clarke Hauser. Cari Infant and Toddler Centre started.
President: Jim Van Tine. Cari Infant and Toddler Centre completed.
President: John Robilliard.
President: Pieter Koeleman. CR Museum additions and archives.
President: Don MacNaughton.
President: Ted Foster. Phase One of the Rotary Seawalk started.
President: Sal Salminen. Beaver Lodge Forest bridges.
President: Garry Drown. Centennial Park playground.
President: Ron Burrell.
President: Andy Adams. Seawalk extension. Yuculta Lodge gardens.
President: June Reedman – first woman President of the Club. Ken Forde Park & Boat Ramp.
President: Jim Forsyth. Maritime Heritage Centre work begun by Daybreak Club assisted by our Club
President: Francois Egan. Maritime Heritage Centre work continued.
President: Ray Hughes. Maritime Heritage Centre finished
President: Ian Hay. Auction software introduced. Auction raised $61,000.
President: Judy Shepley. Auction raised $62,000
President: Marlene Wright. Centennial Pool Upgrades. Auction raised $81,000
President: Dave Hanna. Initial Sea Walk phase completed. Willow Point Interpretive Centre. Auction raised $77,000
President: Brian Shaw. Rotary Beach Park upgrade. Auction raised $85,000
President: Doug Dyer. Tidemark Theatre Sound System. Auction raised $91,000
President: Doug Dyer. Tidemark Theatre Sound System. Auction raised $91,000
President: Sterling Campbell. Cari’s Infant and Toddler Centre Upgrades. Auction raised $91,000
President: Sterling Campbell. Cari’s Infant and Toddler Centre Upgrades. Auction raised $91,000
President: Patricia Gagnon. Walter Morgan Shed Roof, Head Injury Society Building upgrade, Laughing Willow Garden Shed. Auction raised $91,000.
President: Patricia Gagnon. Walter Morgan Shed Roof, Head Injury Society Building upgrade, Laughing Willow Garden Shed. Auction raised $91,000.
President: Todd Peachey. Baikie Island Bridge. Art Gallery upgrades. Online bidding and live streaming introduced for the Auction. CR Aquarium. Auction raised $96,000
President: Todd Peachey. Baikie Island Bridge. Art Gallery upgrades. Online bidding and live streaming introduced for the Auction. CR Aquarium. Auction raised $96,000
President: Mark DeGagne. Splash Park completed. Senior Centre Furniture upgrades. Meeting venue moved to MHC after 40 years at the Discovery Inn. Auction raised $93,000
President: Mark DeGagne. Splash Park completed. Senior Centre Furniture upgrades. Meeting venue moved to MHC after 40 years at the Discovery Inn. Auction raised $93,000
President: Lorrie Bewza. Elk Falls Suspension Bridge completed. Senior Centre Tables, Auction raised $92,000
President: Lorrie Bewza. Elk Falls Suspension Bridge completed. Senior Centre Tables, Auction raised $92,000
President: Gary McLelan. Rivercity Players Fire Safety. Nunn’s Park Scoreboard. Maritime Heritage Centre Sound System. Little Library program started. Auction raised a record $100,000.
President: Gary McLelan. Rivercity Players Fire Safety. Nunn’s Park Scoreboard. Maritime Heritage Centre Sound System. Little Library program started. Auction raised a record $100,000.
President: Cathy Kaardal. John Perkins Scooter Shed. Auction raised $101,000
President: Cathy Kaardal. John Perkins Scooter Shed. Auction raised $101,000
President: Ian Baikie. CR Hospice Centre and Fencing. Spit Viewing Platform. Cari’s Infant and Toddler Centre lighting upgrade. Auction raised $111,000
President: Ian Baikie. CR Hospice Centre and Fencing. Spit Viewing Platform. Cari’s Infant and Toddler Centre lighting upgrade. Auction raised $111,000
President: Susie Moscovich. Susie had to end her term early and was replaced by Ian Baikie. Discovery Pier Interpretive Centre. Auction raised $116,000
President: Susie Moscovich. Susie had to end her term early and was replaced by Ian Baikie. Discovery Pier Interpretive Centre. Auction raised $116,000
President: Steve Nagle. Charstate Garden Shed. Rotary Bike Park. The Covid Pandemic interrupted Steve’s year with Zoom only meetings staring in April 2020. Auction raised $120,000
President: Steve Nagle. Charstate Garden Shed. Rotary Bike Park. The Covid Pandemic interrupted Steve’s year with Zoom only meetings staring in April 2020. Auction raised $120,000
President: Amy Stevenson. Rotary Community Fieldhouse. MHC Upgrades. Community Food Safety and PPE. Zoom meetings continued with the introduction of hybrid meetings later. Covid caused the Auction to be cancelled but $10,000 was raised through generous community donations.
President: Amy Stevenson. Rotary Community Fieldhouse. MHC Upgrades. Community Food Safety and PPE. Zoom meetings continued with the introduction of hybrid meetings later. Covid caused the Auction to be cancelled but $10,000 was raised through generous community donations.
President: Susie Moscovich. MHC Upgrades. Rotary Honours Concert online. Susie continued her term from 2018-19 – hybrid meetings were in place. Auction raised $108,000 despite lingering Covid restrictions and impacts.
President: Susie Moscovich. MHC Upgrades. Rotary Honours Concert online. Susie continued her term from 2018-19 – hybrid meetings were in place. Auction raised $108,000 despite lingering Covid restrictions and impacts.
President: Colleen McClure. Willow Point Interpretive Centre upgrade. MHC Conference Centre. Raven Trail upgrade. Dogwood Trail extension. Laughing Willow Garden upgrade. Hybrid meetings continued. Auction raised $112,000
President: Colleen McClure. Willow Point Interpretive Centre upgrade. MHC Conference Centre. Raven Trail upgrade. Dogwood Trail extension. Laughing Willow Garden upgrade. Hybrid meetings continued. Auction raised $112,000
President Dan Munroe. Beaver Lodge Forest Washrooms. MHC upgrades. Humpback Whale sculpture. Hybrid meetings continued. Auction raised $110,000.
Co-Presidents Debra Cunningham and Janet Koch. Raven Trail entrance sculpture. Auction raised $106,000.